Through football we will support the recovery of individuals with lived experience of mental ill-health and tackle stigma associated with mental ill-health
Staying well: Support the recovery of people who have lived experience of mental ill-health through football activities whilst improving their physical and mental wellbeing
Empowering choice: Empower players who have lived experience of experience of mental ill-health to make informed and positive choices about their participation in a team sporting activity
Improving services and support: Ensure clubs and players are signposted to appropriate advice and support as required at the right time to help their recovery
Enabling social participation: Enable all clubs and players to fully participate in league activities thus, increasing awareness of the challenges faced by those with lived experience of mental ill-health and tackling any associated stigma
Organisational excellence: Ensure the board, clubs and players make the most of our assets by building a culture of excellence
Chair - George Watson
George has been a coach at Queen’s Park for some 14 years now during which time he has been involved in most areas of the Club including the Youth Academy, Girls & Women’s Football and Community Football.
Having helped initiate the Tackling Recovery Mental Health programme at QP back in 2009, George has since seen steady progress and continued development in Mental Health support around Scotland.
The establishment of the MH League has given everyone a real focus and this has helped improve confidence and self-esteem.
‘We can’t underestimate the power of our game. Football can be a powerful healer. We are privileged to be engaging with lots of people around Scotland who come together regularly to help improve each other’s mental health and wellbeing’.
Independent Trustee – Alex McClintock
Hi I am Alex McClintock, after experiencing my own mental health struggles and an attempt on my life I discovered ANDYSMANCLUB. Everything about ANDYSMANCLUB resonated with me and it ignited a passion within me to help make a difference particularly in men’s mental health. The power of talking has become a huge part of my life.
For the past 20 years I worked in the Scottish Prison Service and have now left to take up a position working in a mental health crisis hub in Perth. I hope that my experiences and passion can help drive forward the impact of the Scottish Mental Health and Wellbeing Football League across Scotland. I will continue to do what I can to challenge the stigmas in our society to help promote positive mental fitness every day with passion and commitment.
Treasurer - Jim Cockburn
As a qualified accountant with experience in financial management within the public sector for over 40 years, I was delighted to take up the role as Treasurer for Scottish Mental Health and Wellbeing League.
I have held several roles in different public sector organisations and I am an Independent Examiner for two charities. I am also Treasurer of a local SCIO charity which supports a sustainable environmental, growing project and provides a creative outlet for mental health.
It is fair to say that I have a keen interest in football and though I may be one of the oldest, I still enjoy weekly 5-aside football with work colleagues.
League Ambassador - Mickey Weir
We are delighted to announce that ex Hibs star Mickey Weir has agreed to become the league’s first ambassador. We look forward to working with Mickey in the season ahead where he will be attending our league fixtures.
The Scottish Mental Health and Wellbeing League is for players aged 17 and over however, as a member of Scottish Para Football we ask all member clubs to comply with the Scottish FA Child And Wellbeing Strategy – all member clubs must also ensure that coaches have undertaken the necessary Child Protection training and registered this on Scottish FA Live. The League Safeguarding Officer is George Watson.
SMHWFL Constitution Mental Health Rules And Regulations V2 Match Rules V1
Current list of member clubs
Contact Us
Scottish Mental Health & Wellbeing League
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